04 January 2011

Some helpful links for your fallen or wounded Soldier.

It is my hope and prayer no one ever has to use any of these but if you do they are here for you. 

Operation Homefront - http://www.operationhomefront.net/default.aspx  
Provides emergency assistance and information to Service Members, Veterans and their families to help support their urgent household needs. 

National Association of American Veterans - Services - http://www.naavets.org/services.html  
Serves Veterans and their dependents, severely wounded warriors and single parent Service Members and Veterans by providing services including emergency financial assistance, counseling, scholarships, housing assistance and medical transportation. 

Operation Forever Free - http://www.operationforeverfree.org/  
Provides assistance for Service Members and their families including funds for transportation, as well as modifying, re-modeling and building homes. 

USA Cares - http://usacares.org/ 
Offers financial assistance for wounded warriors and families, prevention of foreclosure or eviction and help with basic needs. 

Operation First Response - http://www.operationfirstresponse.org/  
Financial assistance to wounded Service Members for rent or mortgage payments, utilities, vehicle payments and repairs, food, clothing, transportation and personal items. 

Family & Friends for Freedom Fund - http://www.injuredmarinesfund.org/ 
 Provides financial assistance to injured Marines and their families, those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and to all military branches as the need arises. Download the Application for Financial Assistance.

Armed Forces Relief Trust - http://www.afrtrust.org/  
Collects and disburses donations in support of Service Members and their families in need, including assistance with airfare, special medical attention, college tuition for the children of soldiers and more. 

American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance (TFA) - http://www.legion.org/financialassistance

Program assists minor children of eligible Veterans through cash grants to cover needs such as housing, food and medical bills.

Our Fallen Hero  - http://ourfallensoldier.com/Provides 
financial support to families who have lost relatives in service to their country, grief camps for children and spouses and support for Fisher House and other rehabilitation programs.

American Legion Auxiliary - http://www.legion-aux.org/
a wide variety of services and support, including scholarships, programs and resources to strengthen Veterans, Service Members and their families. It is the world's largest patriotic women's service organization. 

Wounded Heroes Foundation - http://www.woundedheroesfund.net/index.asp  
Assists severely injured Service Members with physical, emotional and financial support, such as paying a missing mortgage payment, purchasing an accessible van, building or remodeling homes, securing a new mortgage at a lower interest rate and more. 

Rebuild Hope - http://www.rebuildhope.org/index.phpOffers 
an online financial support network that brings donors and recipients together. Beneficiaries display personal profiles and specific requests for assistance, and donors either advise Rebuild Hope as to how they would like their donations to be distributed, or ask Rebuild Hope to make this decision in their behalf. 

Operation Mom - http://www.operationmom.org/ 
Offers support to the military, their families and those who support them by providing care packages to deployed troops, letters of encouragement, emergency funds for injured military and scholarships for dependents. 

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) -  http://www.vfw.org/index.cfm?fa=cmty.leveld&did=3724  
Emergency financial support to families of military personnel. Apply online or download the application form. 

USA Together - Emergency Support - https://app01.usatogether.org/  
Brings together injured Service Members who need assistance and the people who want to help them. Allows family members of injured Service Members and Veterans or the injured Service Members and Veterans themselves, to "tell their story" and express any personal need they may have as a result of their service. Individuals can support them directly with contributions of goods, services or money.

Armed Forces Foundation - http://www.armedforcesfoundation.org/  
Provides direct financial support to Service Members and their families for everyday living expenses, home improvements, transition and career counseling, funeral arrangements, travel expenses for military families, family counseling services and other related costs. Download the Family Assistance Application.

American Red Cross Emergency Financial Services - http://www.redcross.org/portal/site/en/menuitem.d8aaecf214c576bf971e4cfe43181aa0/?vgnextoid=a6181b655eb3b110VgnVCM10000089f0870aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default 
Emergency financial help for Service Members and families, including assistance for food, temporary lodging, travel, urgent medical needs or the minimum amount required to avoid eviction or utility shut off.

Operation Family Fund - http://www.oeffamilyfund.org/ 
Provides financial grants for those injured and families of those who have been injured or killed as a part of the Global War on Terrorism, whether domestic or abroad, military or civilian. Assistance is available for food, mortgage or rent payments, utilities, emergency transportation, vehicle repair, funeral expenses, legal expenses, medical/dental expenses and more. 

United Warrior Survivors Foundation - http://www.frogfriends.com/ 
Offers peer-to-peer support, survivor transition assistance, emergency aid and financial planning and bereavement counseling for surviving spouses of Navy, Army, Air Force and Marine Corps Special Operations personnel killed in the line of duty since September 11, 2001. 

Reserve Aid - http://reserveaid.org/ 
 Provides emergency funds to reserve Service Members and their dependents who are in financial need as a result of deployment. 

For the Fallen - http://www.forthefallen.org/ 
 Provides financial assistance to military members and their families in times of need and distributes donations to families of soldiers that have been killed or severely wounded since September 11, 2001. 

Wounded Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Warrior Foundation - http://www.woundedeodwarrior.org/  
Provides financial relief to wounded EOD warriors and their families. 

Fallen Patriot Fund - http://www.fallenpatriotfund.org/   
Helps families of U.S. military personnel who were killed or seriously injured during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Pentagon Federal Credit Union Foundation - http://www.pentagonfoundation.org/ 
Provides financial services for wounded warriors including funds for day care expenses at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, hospice suite for Walter Reed patients with terminal cancer, payments for emergency financial needs and laptop computers for wounded warriors at the Fisher Houses at major military medical centers. 

Operation Family Fund - http://www.oeffamilyfund.org/
Provides financial assistance to eligible members or family of eligible members who were an employee or contractor working for the U.S. federal government and had been performing duties in conjunction with the war on terror and/or Operation Enduring Freedom or Operation Iraqi Freedom at the time of their death or severe disability.

Children of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund - http://www.cfsrf.org/ 
Offers college grants and other financial assistance with housing, repairs, utilities, medical expenses, groceries and more for children and spouses of Service Members with disabilities and those who lost their lives in the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts.

Eagles Watch Foundation - http://www.eagleswatchfoundation.org/ 
Provides encouragement and charitable support to those who defend freedom in the United States Armed Services, civilians, and contractors. 

Air Warrior Courage Foundation - http://www.airwarriorcourage.org/programs.html  
Provides financial assistance to families of U.S. Armed Forces for medical expenses, therapeutic programs for children and support to surviving family-members of military personnel lost since September 11, 2001 or in the War on Terror.

Fisher House Foundation Hero Miles Program - http://www.fisherhouse.org/programs/heromiles.html  
Provides free plane tickets to family members of wounded Service Members to visit their loved ones recovering at military hospitals across the country.

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